
Student Entrant 2013

New York University
Michael T. Astolfi


Kifted is a game about survival, cooperation, and making a good impression. Two players work together to impress a judgmental scientist by balancing two competing activities: gathering berries and hunting hornets. The scientist is only impressed by the number of hornets that players hit. Each spear players throw while hunting costs energy from a shared pool - players can replenish their energy by foraging and collecting berries. Players must work together to develop a strategy that will allow them to make a good impression on the scientist, while ensuring that they don't run out of energy.

Kifted's design draws on principles of evolutionary psychology; its hunting and gathering mechanics model activities for which humans retain adaptive instincts. Further, the players' showcasing of their survival abilities is reminiscent of mating displays. Kifted encourages cooperation, and simulates one important facet of the hunter gatherer lifestyle. Wiimote controllers are used to simulate realistic throwing motions, and enhance the appeal of these behaviors.
